Pre-orders can only be accepted using credit cards.
When an item is purchased via pre-order, the order is created on the store and the payment is pre-authorized on the customer's card. At the time of the order's placement, the shopper's credit card information is also automatically saved (via tokenized gateway). When the customer checks out, the order is then placed in your store's PRE-ORDER status/queue.
Upon reaching the item's availability date the store will capture the authorized amount.
The customer can purchase the pre-order item just as they would any other item in your store. You can buy multiple units of the item. However, it is important to note that the pre-order item can only be purchased separately (on its own order) and cannot be combined with additional items on the same order. The store will inform you of this requirement and will instruct you to finish the current order before trying to buy additional items.
While the order is in the Pre-Order status, you will see it listed in the My Account section with a balance due. This is because your payment has not yet been collected on the order. Remember that upon pre-order purchase, the card is only authorized for the amount. While the order is in this Pre-Order authorization phase, it can be canceled and the authorization will simply expire without charging the customer's card.
Why should you Pre-order? We ship products first come, first serve. And as product does become available it may be in limited quantities.