Q:I wanted to know if your pine bedding is also considered Pine Straw that is used for mulching around plants? Just curious. Looks like the same color. Thank you! Donna
Asked by: Donna
- 1/31/2024
A: The names are used interchangeably. Some pine straw can be courser than others, you always want to use SOFT pine straw/needles.
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Q:Since Purple Martins aren't really due until the end of March/April, how long will this be good? Where doe they need to be stored? Any additional information you can provide about the bedding please advise. I'm also assuming, we can "pre" nest our Purple Martin Houses with these pine needles, correct? If so, how much do you put into each Purple house? We have a TS-12 House, with 3" Pole Housing for our Purples. Your speedy reply will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Donna
Asked by: Donna
- 1/31/2024
A: Keep pine out of damp/wet areas. As long as the Pine Needles stay dry there is no expiration date.
Never put in moldy or damp pine needles into a compartment/gourd.
Depending on the size of the compartment/gourd one to hand fulls is enough. The martins will finish adding nesting material or their leaves to complete the nest.
Yes, you can pre nest gourds/compartments.
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